Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Nail Diseases



 Paronychia Infection

Paronychia infections of the nail fold can be caused by bacteria, fungi and some viruses. The proximal and lateral nail folds act as a barrier, or seal, between the nail plate and the surrounding tissue. If a tear or a break occurs in this seal, the bacterium can easily enter. this type of infection is characterized by pain, redness and swelling of the nail folds. People who have their hands in water for extended periods may develop this condition, and it is highly contagious.
Pseudomonas bacterium
trapped between the nail
plate and the nail bed.
(“The ‘Greenies”)
Pseudomonas bacterial infection can occur between the natural nail plate and the nail bed, and/or between an artificial nail coating and the natural nail plate. Many people have been led to believe that the classic ‘green’ discoloration of this type of infection is some type of mold. In actuality, mold is not a human pathogen. The discoloration is simply a by-product of the infection and is caused primarily by iron compounds. Pseudomonas thrive in moist places; it feeds off the dead tissue and bacteria in the nail plate, while the moisture levels allow it to grow. The after effects of this infection will cause the nail plate to darken and soften underneath an artificial coating. The darker the discoloration, the deeper into the nail plate layers the bacteria has traveled. If the bacteria has entered between the nail plate and the nail bed, it will cause the same discolorations and may also cause the nail plate to lift from the nail bed.
Fungal Infection of the nail plate.
Fungal Infection of the nail plate.
A fungal or yeast infection which results in Onychomycosis, can invade through a tear in the proximal and lateral nail folds as well as the eponychium. This type of infection is characterized by onycholysis (nail plate separation) with evident debris under the nail plate. It normally appears white or yellowish in color, and may also change the texture and shape of the nail. The fungus digests the keratin protein of which the nail plate is comprised. As the infection progresses, organic debris accumulates under the nail plate often discoloring it. Other infectious organisms may be involved, and if left untreated, the nail plate may separate from the nail bed and crumble off. Canxidaremove can help in this case.
Ringworm of the nails.
Ringworm of the nails.
Tinea Unguis, or ringworm of the nails, is characterized by nail thickening, deformity, and eventually results in nail plate loss. This is another symptom of candida yeast infection.
Nail Atrophy
Nail Atrophy
Onychatrophia is an atrophy or wasting away of the nail plate which causes it to lose its luster, become smaller and sometimes shed entirely. Injury or disease may account for this irregularity.
Ingrown Toenail
Ingrown Toenail
Onychogryposis are claw-type nails that are characterized by a thickened nail plate and are often the result of trauma. This type of nail plate will curve inward, pinching the nail bed and sometimes require surgical intervention to relieve the pain.
Vertical Split in the nail plate.
Vertical Split in the nail plate.
Onychorrhexis are brittle nails which often split vertically, peel and/or have vertical ridges. This irregularity can be the result of heredity, the use of strong solvents in the workplace or the home, including household cleaning solutions. Although oil or paraffin treatments will re-hydrate the nail plate, one may wish to confer with a physician to rule out disease.
Onychauxis is evidenced by over-thickening of the nail plate and may be the result of internal disorders — seek medical advice.
Leuconychia is evident as white lines or spots in the nail plate and may be caused by tiny bubbles of air that are trapped in the nail plate layers due to trauma. This condition may be hereditary and no treatment is required as the spots will grow out with the nail plate.
Beaus Lines
Beaus Lines
Beau’s Lines are nails that are characterized by horizontal lines of darkened cells and linear depressions. This disorder may be caused by trauma, illness, malnutrition or any major metabolic condition, chemotherapy or other damaging event, and is the result of any interruption in the protein formation of the nail plate. Seek a physicians diagnosis.
Koilonychia is usually caused through iron deficiency anemia. these nails show raised ridges and are thin and concave. Seek a physicians advice and treatment.
Melanonychia are vertical pigmented bands, often described as nail ‘moles’, which usually form in the nail matrix. Seek a physicians care should you suddenly see this change in the nail plate. It could signify a malignant melanoma or lesion. Dark streaks may be a normal occurrence in dark-skinned individuals, and are fairly common.
Pterygium is the inward advance of skin over the nail plate, usually the result of trauma to the matrix due to a surgical procedure or by a deep cut to the nail plate. Pterygium results in the loss of the nail plate due to the development of scar tissue. Cortisone is used to prevent the advancement of scar tissue. Never attempt to remove pterygium -instead, consult a physician for advice and treatment.NOTE: The ‘true cuticle’ is often referred to as Pterygium. If you have pterygium, it can only be treated by a physician and should never be removed by a nail technician.

Pterygium Inversum Unguis
Pterygium Inversum Unguis
Pterygium Inversum Unguis is an acquired condition characterized by a forward growth of the hyponychium characterized by live tissue firmly attached to the underside of the nail plate, which contains a blood supply and nerves. Possible causes are systemic, hereditary, or from an allergic reaction to acrylics or solvents. Never use force to ‘push back’ the advancing hyponychium — it is an extremely painful approach, and will result in a blood flow. Consult a physician for diagnosis and treatment.
Psoriasis of the nails
Psoriasis of the nails
Psoriasis of the nails is characterized by raw, scaly skin and is sometimes confused with eczema. When it attacks the nail plate, it will leave it pitted, dry, and it will often crumble. The plate may separate from the nail bed and may also appear red, orange or brown, with red spots in the lunula. Do not attempt salon treatments on a client with Nail Psoriasis. Consult with a dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment.
MMA Damage Photo by D. Tuggle
MMA Damage
Photo by D. Tuggle
MMA Damaged Nails: D. Tuggle, owner of The Nail Academy, Jamaica, Queens, N.Y., submitted this picture of nails damaged by MMA to the BeautyTech Web Site and allowed it to be added to this page. MMA (methyl methacrylate) is a liquid monomer used for acrylic nails by some unscrupulous salons even though it is considered by and prohibited by the FDA to be a poisonous and deleterious substance. According to Dianna Bonn of Indiana, as of May 1, 1999, 23 states have banned this chemical from being used in nail salons. MMA nails are very rigid and do not bend or have the flexibility to break. When MMA does finally break, it will break the natural nail with it, causing severe nail damage.
Splitting Layers & Peeling Layers
Splitting Layers & Peeling Layers
Brittle Nails are characterized by a vertical splitting or separation of the nail plate layers at the distal (free) edge of the nail plate. In most cases, nail splitting and vertical ridges are characteristic of the natural aging process. This nail problem is also the result of overexposure to water and chemical solvents such as household cleaning solutions. As we age, the nail bed’s natural flow of oils and moisture is greatly reduced. This oil and moisture is the cement that holds the nail plate layers together and gives the plate its inherent flexibility. At the first signs of splitting or peeling, re-hydrate the nail plate layers with a good quality cuticle and nail oil that contains Jojoba and Vitamin E as two of the botanical oils. Jojoba oil has a very tiny molecule which can penetrate the nail plate surface, open up the layers and draw the Vitamin E in after it. The molecular structure of Vitamin E is too large to penetrate the nail plate layers or the surface layer of the skin without the benefits of Jojoba oil. Oil the nail plate and surrounding cuticle at least twice daily; more if you have your hands in water a lot. Wear gloves whenever working with household cleaning solutions, and remember: water is considered the ‘universal solvent’, and is indeed a ‘chemical’.
Vertical Ridges
Vertical Ridges
Vertical Ridges are also characteristic of aging, although are not limited to the aged or elderly. The nail plate grows forward on the nail bed in a ‘rail and groove’ effect, much like a train rides on its’ tracks. As we age, the natural oil and moisture levels decline in the nail plate, and this rail and groove effect becomes apparent. Ridged nails will improve through re-hydration of the nail plate with twice daily applications of a good quality nail and cuticle oil containing Jojoba and Vitamin E.
A Hematoma is the result of trauma to the nail plate. It can happen from simply trapping your finger or toe in the car door to friction from improperly fitting or ‘too-tight’ shoes, to a sports related injury. A hammer does a pretty good job at causing a hematoma as well! The nail bed will bleed due to this trauma, and the blood is trapped between the nail bed and the nail plate. A hematoma may also indicate a fractured bone. Many people who participate in sports activities experience hematoma because of the constant friction from the shoes against the toenails. Hematoma may result in nail plate separation and infection because the blood can attract fungi and bacteria. If several days have passed and the blood clot becomes painful, the nail plate may require removal so the nail bed can be cleansed.
 The severity of nail dysplasia is extremely variable. Nails may be small and concave, longitudinally grooved, abnormally split, pitted, softened, discolored, or brittle. Toe nails are usually less affected than finger nails.

The severity of nail dysplasia is extremely variable. Nails may be small and concave, longitudinally grooved, abnormally split, pitted, softened, discolored, or brittle. Toe nails are usually less affected than finger nails.

Sunday, July 15, 2018


A pedicure is a form of treatment that involves cutting and clipping your toenails for a clean, healthy, and happy feet. It helps protect and prevent your nails from getting diseases.
Image result for pedicure

Types of Pedicures

1. Regular Pedicure

A regular pedicure is the most common type of treatment for your toes. This method starts with a warm foot soak and a foot scrub. It is followed by clipping your nails, shaping or filing the edges, pushing of cuticles, foot massage, moisturizing and applying a nail polish if you wish. This type of pedicure is suitable for people who prefer a simple and direct maintenance treatment.

2. French Pedicure

​This type of pedicure is a popular trend among women. It has the same procedure as a regular pedicure. However, what makes it different is the style of application of nail polish.
​A clear or nude base coat is first applied on your nails then followed by an application of a solid white colored nail polish.A french pedicure is a classic nail trend that has been around for a long time. It makes your feet look clean, chic, polished, sophisticated, and stylish.

3. Gel Pedicure

If you prefer a longer lasting treatment, a gel or shellac pedicure may be more suitable for you. A gel pedicure consists of using a standard nail polish which is applied the same method as a regular pedicure. However, what’s special about this technique is the UV light that helps cure the gel or nail polish between each coating.
Your toenails will look pretty after three coatings. Your gel nail polish will appear dry to the touch with no sticky feeling. This way you won’t have to worry about messing up your nails right after you get a pedicure.
A gel pedicure can last on your toes for a few weeks which is longer than the regular nail pedicure treatment. This makes it appropriate if you want a low maintenance pedicure.

4. Paraffin Pedicure

If you have dry and cracked feet, aparaffin pedicure provides excellent results. In this treatment, your feet are dipped in paraffin wax to help soften and moisturize your skin. A paraffin consists of an alkaline wax substance that is infused with hydrating properties.
Your feet may also be wrapped in plastic before soaking it in the wax treatment. The warm paraffin wax opens up the pores of your skin and helps nourish it. This is a popular choice for people who want to have young and soft looking feet.

5. Hot Stone Pedicure

A hot stone pedicure involves a regular pedicure followed by an application of body polish to your legs and feet. After applying the mask, cover your legs and feet with a warm towel and let it sit for at least five minutes.
Rinse your legs and feet then pat it dry. Apply oil to your legs and feet, massage for at least 20 minutes using hot stones on pressure points and follow up with a standard massage. It helps soothe the tired muscles on your feet.

6. Fish Pedicure

You’ve probably heard about this before. A fish pedicure is an unconventional method of treating your feet. It involves dipping your feet in an aquarium filled with tiny fish.
The fish will swarm your feet and eat away all the dirt and dead skin cells in your feet. This type of treatment is natural, organic, sustainable, and does not involve any chemical ingredients. The fish will also benefit especially since you are providing them a source of food.
On the other hand, not all people are suitable to this kind of foot treatment. Some people have a more sensitive skin than others and cannot sit through the entire session because they find it ticklish. It may be difficult for some people to contain their laughter as the tiny fishes nibble at their dead skin cells.
However, a fish pedicure is definitely worth trying. Who knows? You might just find it enjoyable and entertaining.

7. Mini Pedicure

A mini pedicure is similar to a regular pedicure. However, this treatment just sticks to the basics of personal grooming and eliminates all the bells and whistles of a regular pedicure. A mini pedicure only consists of cleaning, cutting, and polishing your toenails.
This is actually more appropriate for busy people who don’t have a lot of free time but still want to have a clean and pretty feet. If are on a tight schedule and don’t really need a massage or an exfoliation, a mini pedicure is the way to go.
This is also a good choice for budget conscious individuals because you can actually do this by yourself. It is more practical and cost-effective compared to getting a service at salons or nail spas.

8. Spa Pedicure

A spa pedicure is also similar to a regular pedicure but with additional services and benefits. The extra services are what makes it special compared to the other types of pedicures. The treatment is longer and depends on the type of add-on service you select.
Your options usually include an exfoliating scrub, hot towel wrap, hydrating mask, paraffin waxes, and a lot of other treatments. The more treatment you add, the more expensive it is. On the other hand, your feet will feel more pampered and luxurious after getting a spa pedicure. This type of pedicure makes your feet feel relaxed and rejuvenated especially after a long day.

Saturday, July 14, 2018



short nails
Short nails are unlikely to inflict harm and are super easy to clean. These are the perfect solution for busy mums and anyone dealing physically with other people.


mountain nail shape
Mountain shaped nails are beloved of pop stars and reality TV personnel. To get this shape, you need a little bit of length to the nail. Imagine you have a mirror along the center of the nail and file from where the nail leaves the side of the finger’s skin, to a point towards the middle of the nail edge. Repeat on the other side, to get a perfectly symmetrical shape. This shape is fairly conservative and suits slim fingers the best, if they are not to look too much like the talons of a raven!


stiletto nail shape
Stilleto nails are often thought of as a bit Goth, but judging by this year’s catwalks, they’re definitely making a come-back. Perfect for those who’ve lost their pea-forks or those who love a bit of nail art, this shape is the one to go for but – Ouch! -be careful not to scratch yourself! Achieved in a similar way to the Mountain shape, simply work on a longer nail and make a narrower v-shape to the point at the centre of the nail edge.


arrowhead nail shape
Arrow head looks a bit like the tip of an ink pen. Definitely different, but a shape that could induce the most conservative to give it a whirl: it is appealing to perhaps a literary sector of the population. To get this shape, file the sides of a fairly long nail, into a rectangular, train-track straightness on either side. Then, about halfway along the free-edge (the very outer edge or tip) of the nail, begin to taper the nail into a v-shape, a bit like the Stiletto nail shape. So, you should finish with an initial straight side, that then sweeps sharply into a v-shaped point.

almond nail shape

Almond shaped nails are a timeless beauty: discrete and classically elegant and suit pretty much all finger shapes, sizes and age groups. This shape is similar to the round nail, which simply reflects a rounded cuticle shape, if you’re lucky enough to own one! Start by imagining a c-curve for a cuticle shape and then file the sides of your nail into a straight rectangle ‘train-track’ – i.e., like the beginning of the Mountain shaped nail: straight on either side, like train tracks. Halfway along the free-edge, begin to taper your nail gradually and more curved and less direct than the v-shaped stiletto. Keep in mind that imaginary mirror, down the middle of your nail, to try to achieve a mirror image, a perfect symmetry, on either side of the nail. Make sure you have a soft and not pointed end of the nail. The end should be a c-curve, but narrower than the cuticle’s width. It’s a difficult shape to achieve but – as with all great achievements – practice makes perfect!

rounded nail shape

Rounded nails are the perfect mirror image to a rounded cuticle. A ‘c-curve’ free-edge that should be the same width as the cuticle. This nail shape can be long or short and suits a slimmer finger.


oval nail shape
Oval nails are c-curves for both cuticles and free-edge, with straight train-track sides. Simple and endearing – really pretty for all finger shapes and sizes.


square oval nail shape
Square oval looks difficult, but is surprisingly easy to achieve. You need to start with a longish nail, file the sides into straight train tracks, where possible. At the free-edge, this is where the fun starts! Imagine this very edge of the nail is split into 3 equal segments. With the outer 2, file down into a mitered shape: not the train track straight sides, nor the v-shaped sides of the Stiletto, but somewhere in between these. For the middle segment, simply round off, avoiding what could otherwise resemble the point of the Stiletto shape. Voila!


lipstick nail shape
Square and Lipstick shapes follow the same format as the Square Oval shape: both have the same straight train track sides. The difference is in the finish. The very edge (or free-edge, if you’ve not discovered its technical name yet!) should be filed straight across, without angle, for the Square shape. Try to blunt off the outer edges, though, if you don’t want to scratch your face or ladder your tights! With the Lipstick, instead of a flat straight filed free-edge, keep a bit of the train track sides remaining, but with the rest, file a perfect 45 degree mitered edge and you’ll have this striking shape in no time. Blunt off the very sharp edge a little, though – you don’t want to cause an injury! This shape looks absolutely fabulous with French manicured edges. Experiment a little, with nail polish colors that compliment your outfit, shoes or handbag and enjoy your fabulous autumn nails!

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Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Hydrate your Body
Drinking water is very important for the entire body. If you want beautiful looking nails, you need to drink atleast  6 to 8 glasses of water everyday. Water helps in hydrating your nails, preventing them from chipping off. You are guaranteed to have healthier nails when you have a regular intake of water in the body on a daily basis.

Eat Iron
Iron is important for the growth of the nails. A lack of iron is often indicated by ridges and rounded nails. This will eventually form hangnails and white spots on your fingers. Eating food rich in iron such as beef, tuna, chicken and salmon is highly recommended for proper nail care. These foods supply your body with enough iron to keep your nails healthy.
Eat Healthy
Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet is essential for the overall development and growth of your nails. For healthy nails, calcium is essential. It will help in avoiding discoloration and chipping. Your body also needs an adequate supply of vitamin A, phosphorous, zinc, folic acid, silica and vitamin C to maintain the health of your nails.
Nail Maintenance
It is important to regularly trim and file your nails with the help of sharp clippers. Never use any blunt tool to trim as it can cause damage. The best way to cut your nails is to first trim the nail straight across and finish it up by giving a gentle round shape to the tips. Then use a nail file to smoothen your nails. Wash your fingers and then wait for fifteen minutes before trimming and filing.

Massage your Hands
 Massaging your nails improves the blood flow trough your finger,this hence result into the distribution of essential nutrients through your fingers.
Cuticle Care
Cuticle care is also important to nail care. Be sure to keep your nails and cuticles moisturized; you can do this by applying cuticle cream daily to encourage the growth of healthy nails.
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